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Employee Wellness Programs

Many companies view wellness programs as a nice perk to offer their employees but those who offer programs focused on employee health are actually making a very strategic move to decrease costs, increase production and boost company moral! Evidence finds that these types of programs can produce exceptional benefits while making your employees healthy and happy.


Achieve offers customized programs to fit your business needs.  Available discounts for group membership can be a great way to give your employees fitness options that reflect positive changes in the workplace.  We can even provide fitness classes at your site when feasible!


Top reasons to adapt a company wellness program:

  • Medical costs fall by $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs.

  • Companies that provide wellness programs have a 28% reduced sick leave and a 26% decrease in medical costs.

  • 80% of Americans work in jobs that require little or no physical activity.

  • $1,800,000,000 (1 Trillion) is the annual impact of poor health, according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor

  • For Every $1 spend on health care: 95¢ is spent on treatment and only 5¢ on prevention

  • 78% of Americans describe their job as stressful

  • 70% fewer sick days for employees participating in wellness programs!


Give us a call to set up an appointment and learn about available options!


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